2024 in review - Part 4, my own stuff!

This year has been a sort of preparation year for me. I had the idea early on that I might launch a Youtube channel based on both this blog and battle reports. The games to be played being Infinity CodeOne, Legiones Antiquitata and Batman miniatures. This did not go well as Codeone was cut and N5 has only just been released, Knight Models completely failed on their promise to release new objective cards for sale in Q1 2024 and I personally failed with Legions as I continued to tinker with the Legiones rules improving them by tiny percentage points after every playtest! As a result 2024 has ended with only 2 Memoir 44 campaaigns 'in the can'. However on the plus side all the equipment is in place and I now have numerous armies ready to go in each system plus warbands and terrain for another game system Burrows and Badgers. This review will concentrate on what is ready to go in 3 of the games!
Batman Miniatures Game

BMG is a good game but poorly supported by Knight miniatures. People sometimes make the excuse that it is a small company but I would argue that is no excuse. If you are a company which has the capacity to run one game well or 3 games poorly then its' on you. Having said that the app is fine, the miniatures are lovely and the gameplay good. So being in possession of lots of terrain and having the capacity to print more BMG was one of the games I aimed at making Batreps for. Thanks to advice from Paul Houghton at the FB page I now have had printed all the objective cards. The Riddler crew above was one of my favourites to paint as it is really coherent.

Court of Owls is now also complete with the addition of 'Batman Gotham city chronicles' Lincoln March aquired on Ebay and 3d printing some random owls I had by Ghamak. I like the model for Lincoln and will be using more BGCC proxies when needed.

Penguin also has a full crew now. Probably not optimal but certainly usable and with the 3d print of the Iceberg Lounge on my painting desk right now will also have a cool base terrain.

Penguin Associates

Im my head i am hoping to do a league where each crew plays each other crew home and away with the home team getting +1 on initiative rolls. As such all teams need a home terrain so joker has carnival terrain, Penguin the Iceberg Lounge and warehouses, GCPD a police station, hospital etc. The terrain gives no in game benefits but will provide theme!
I recently picked up 'The Batman' starter set and have completed the goodies to add to my existing GCPD team. Big fan of mounted officer!

Not found a valid use for this guy though!

Deadly torch wielding Gordon.

Joker already had a full crew before this year whilst Freeze, Organised crime and Batman who laughs are in the paint queue. Earlier this year I did paint a Batman who laughs crew for a customer as seen below.

and a Scarecrow crew however I dont really understand Scarecrow so he wont be appearing!
Some of the 3d terrain is also done, It is a mix of mdf by TTcombat and stls by Saucermen studios. Here modelled by Officer Merkel.

Infinity was also put on hold after the announcement of N5 which has allowed me to get extra stuff ready and painted, notably a repaint of my O12 so they dont clash with the PanO and finishing up a Shasvastii force as previously mentioned in 2024 review Part 3.

Tensho expert


Ko Dali

Dr Worm and the Wormettes, popular Combined Army beat combo

This was my new O12 Scheme which cant be confused with anything as far as I'm aware.
Zeta, O12 Tag

Team Sirius

Saladin on loan from Haqqislam after performing poorly last season and looking to restart his career.

Awaiting completion now are JSA, Aleph and the Tohaa special release from earlier this year I bought on spec.
Burrows and Badgers
These were a sort of impulse addition to the batrep idea. I had painted a ton for customers in the past but was daunted by the amount of terrain needed for a good visual game. I then realised that my fdm printer purchased this year would solve that problem so have bought one of each warband type. So far two are completed, the Highlander Wildbeasts here,

and the Royalists here,

I have no intention of optimising and will be again playing a league of home and away fixtures. Each warband has it's own terrain feature as per Batman to show it is playing at home such as the ruins below for the Wildbeast Highlanders. Terrain is well in hand with these ruins by the printing goes ever on being just one of the buildings which now includes, windmills, houses, a shipwreck and a tower. The future is now with printing!
