Mar 31, 2024
Foxes and Wildcats and Badgers oh my!
One of the cool things about being a commission painter is getting to paint stuff you would never ever normally buy for yourself. This...
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Dec 20, 2023
Badgers and Burrows - top 10 (Re-done)
Straight up I've never played the game so this top 10 is purely based on how good they were to paint and how happy I am with the final...
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Jul 25, 2020
Top 10 Burrows and badgers miniatures
Straight up I've never played the game so this top 10 is purely based on how good they were to paint and how happy I am with the final...
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Jul 5, 2020
Armour plated
Recently I've been painting quite a lot of Burrows and Badgers and Lord of the Rings minis many with significant areas of plate armour....
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Jun 19, 2020
Bare ruined choirs
"Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang." Sonnet 73 Another Ziterdes piece,...
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